الثلاثاء، 21 فبراير 2017

Description of Egypt

Description of Egypt  ( in French: Description de l'Egypte) is about 20 volumes entitled "Description of Egypt or the total observations and research that has beenin  Egypt  during the French Campaign" were written and compiled during  theFrench campaign on Egypt  where he accompanied  Napoleon Bonaparte  with him a team of scientists from all disciplines to record their observations. After theteam 's return to  France ,  the French Minister of the Interior at the time  Jean -Antoine Hbatall  , specifically in  the February 18, 1802 to  organize the formation of a committee between members of a team of scientists and Almlahzian wasformed a committee of eight members has to collect and disseminate all Campaign scientific subjects, which was about a 10 volumes of plates, of which 74 panel color,  atlas  maps, and finally 0.9 volumes of studies. And record those folders, both for the quality of print, or for the beauty of their fees (where thelargest up to 1 m × 0.81 m), as  one of the historical works, from  1809  h

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- خواطر حول مستقبل مستقبل الإعلام والسياسة

- خواطر حول مستقبل الإعلام والسياسة : ................................................................. ما ادخلته وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي...