الأحد، 10 ديسمبر 2017

- خواطر حول مستقبل مستقبل الإعلام والسياسة

- خواطر حول مستقبل الإعلام والسياسة :

ما ادخلته وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي من تحولات "جذرية" في الفعل السياسي ومنظومة اتخاذ القرار ومنظومة "المعارضة" ، و أنماط الضغط السياسي وتشكيل الأفكار ، وآلية الحشد السياسي سواء حشد "الرأي" أو حتى الحشد الميداني ، وما أحدثته من تحول في عملية "الصحافة" وفرض مواضيع البرامج وتحول هذه الوسائل إلى وجهة المعدين والصحفيين بدلا من السياحة في الشوارع كل هذه التحولات ستشكل تغييرا ملحوظا وكبيرا في مستقبل الحياة السياسية ، فاليوم متخذ القرار ينشر قرار ويتراجع عنه بعد رصده لعمليات رفض واسعة في ساعات بعد أن كانت هذه العملية تحدث في أسابيع ، إننا أمام تحولات كبيرة ستفرض على الدارسين والمنظرين للعملية السياسية اعادة النظر في كل ما كتب حولها

لكن لم تستطع وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الانتقال من التأثير في المعارك السياسية للتأثير في المعارك "الانتخابية" الواسعة ، فما زالت هذه العملية مرتبطة بالواقع "الطبيعي" وليس "الافتراضي" وحسمها يتطلب عملا كبيرا على الأرض واحتكاكا مباشرا بالجمهور ، فالشرائح الواسعة من الشعب المصري مازالت لم تتم "عولمتها" بشكل كامل واخضاعها للإعلام ، ومازال الانتشار المجتمعي عاملا رئيسيا في حسم معارك "الانتخابات" ولكن تدريجيا سيأخذ الإعلام هذا الحيز أيضا ليتحول "الإعلام" إلى مجال "السياسة" وتتحول الممارسة السياسية في الأحزاب إلى قسم الإعلام والتواصل ، ويصبح السياسي هو جزء من منظومة الإعلام .. إنه الاحتكار القادم لا محالة

وهذه الحتمية منذرة بتحولات كبرى إن لم تلحظها إدارات الكيانات السياسية في تعاطيها مع المستقبل فسوف تتحول الأغلبية إلى "أقلية" وتتحول الأقلية إلى أغلبية ، لأن محركات الانتشار والتأثير وقتها ستكون متناسبة و "احترافية" العمل الإعلامي والرسالة الإعلامية ، و التعاطي التقليدي مع هذه التحديات يوقع المتعرضين لها لخطر فقدان مواقعهم محكوما عليهم جراء جمودهم وتقليديتهم ، حتما ستتحول الكيانات الإعلامية إلى "أحزاب" تحرك الواقع وتصنع التوجهات وتصنع الساسة ، ويجب التعامل مع هذه الحقيقة من الآن والإعداد لها جيدا .

و إذا سلطت الضوء على "الإسلاميين" ومستقبلهم في هذه العملية ، فالموروث الإسلامي قوامه "الدعوة" والدعوة عملية "إعلامية" في أساسها ، و النبي يقول (خلوا بيني وبين الناس) ، فالمنظور "الإسلامي" قائم على هذه العملية ، وحين نجد الإسلاميين متأخرين في هذه العملية بل إعلامهم هو "أسوأ" اعلام موجود ، وهذا يدل على أنهم مغتربون عن نموذجهم ، ومازالوا يعيشون في أسر "الشكل التاريخي" ولم ينفذوا إلى "مضمون التصور" الخاص بالإسلام ، فالخطيب والمنبر والخطبة والجمعة والجماعة و الأعياد كلها مناسبات "تواصل جماهيري" وعملية اتصالية إعلامية بامتياز ، ومستقبل السياسة في مصر والعالم ستحول جوهر العمل السياسي من "العمل الحزبي" إلى "العمل الإعلامي ، وستكون الاحزاب فروع عن الإعلام ، وهذا تحدي كبير لهم ننتظر ترجمته لواقع من الآن

* ونلتقي لاحقا مع خواطر حول مستقبل الاعلام والسياسة

السبت، 2 ديسمبر 2017

Shapes Songs Collection for kids | Shapes Song | preschool

Teach Children Shapes, Colors The Shapes Song for Preschool | Kids Songs he Shapes Song for children! Babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten kids can learn their shapes in a fun and interactive way. Come sing and dance with us as we help you learn the unique qualities of these shapes: - Square - Circle - Triangle - Rectangle - Star - Heart, and - Diamond The Shapes Song and more nursery rhymes by Little Treehouse. This is a non-stop collection of the Shapes Song and other nursery rhymes. We are shapes, you can see us everywhere We are shapes I'm a square, I'm a square, you can see me everywhere I've got four sides, I'm a square, I'm a square I'm a circle, I'm a circle, I go round and round and round I've got one side, I'm a circle, I'm a circle I'm a triangle , I'm triangle, I'm a pointy little shape I've got three sides, I'm a triangle, triangle we are shapes you can see us everywhere I'm a rectangle , rectangle, I'm like a really long square I've got four sides, I'm a rectangle, rectangle I'm a star , I'm a star In the sky so so far, I've got five pointy arm, I'm a star, star I'm a heart, I'm a heart I'm so curvy and so smart , I'm a really lovely shape, I'm a heart, I'm a heart I'm a diamond, I'm a diamond you can see me on a ring , I'm so shiny and so bright I'm a diamond, I'm a diamond We are shapes, you can see us everywhere We are shapes kid songs rule!

Vegetable Song for children Kids Nursery Rhymes | Learning Songs | Preschool Rhyme

vegetables song for preschool
The Green Grass Grew All Around" There was a hole (repeat) In the middle of the ground. (repeat) The prettiest hole (repeat) That you ever did see. (repeat) Well, a holes in the ground And the green beans grew all around and around And the green beans grew all around! Well, in this hole (repeat) There was a seed. (repeat) The prettiest seed (repeat) That you ever did see. Well, a seed in the hole And a hole in the ground And the green beans grew all around and around And the green beans grew all around! Well, from this seed There came a plant. The prettiest plant You ever did see. Well, a plant from the seed And a seed in the hole And a hole in the ground And the green beans grew all around and around And the green beans grew all around! Carrots, beans, and potatoes Corn and peas and tomatoes Mix and stir up in a pot. Smells so good as it gets hot. Soup's on-1, 2. Soup's on-3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4-Let's eat a good treat! I'm a big red tomato Growing on a vine, A big re tomato Looking oh, so fine. Now you can make good things with me- Soup, juice, pizza, to name just three. I'm a big red tomato Growing on a vine. Grow, grow, grow. Oh do you eat your vegetables, vegetables, Vegetables? Oh, do you eat your vegetables-each and every day? Oh, yes we eat our vegetables, vegetables, vegetables: Oh yes we eat our vegetables-each and every day! To continue the song, ask each child in turn to name a vegetable. Substitute the child's name and her vegetable choice, and have everyone sing the new words. For example: Oh Janet eats green beans, green beans, green beans, Oh Janet eats green beans-each and every day! The soup is boiling up The soup is boiling up Stir slow-around we go The soup is boiling up. First we add the broth First we add the broth Stir slow-around we go The soup is boiling up. Now we add some carrots Now we add some carrots Stir slow-around we go The soup is boiling up. Continue with whichever vegetables you children want. Have the children stand around a large imaginary pot pretending to stir the soup. Are You Sleeping?" I like veggies, I like veggies. Do you too? Do you too? I like corn and carrots, I like corn and carrots. And peas too! And peas too! We are pumpkins, big and round Big and round, big and round We are pumpkins, big and round Seated on the ground. We are string beans, green and fine..... Growing on a vine. We are onions, round and white.... We make soup taste right. We are carrots, orange and long... Help us sing our song. We are cabbage, green or red.... See our funny head. We are corn stalks, tall and straight.... Don't we just taste great The soup is boiling up The soup is boiling up Stir slow-around we go The soup is boiling up. First we add the broth First we add the broth Stir slow-around we go The soup is boiling up. Now we add some carrots Now we add some carrots Stir slow-around we go The soup is boiling up. Continue with whichever vegetables you children want. Have the children stand around a large imaginary pot pretending to stir the soup. Vegetables are good for me, EE I EE I O And so I eat them happily, EE I EE I O With a carrot, carrot here, and a carrot, carrot there Here a carrot, there a carrot Everywhere a carrot, carrot. Vegetables are good for me, EE I EE I O. Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli, Vegetables are good for me. For my snack and in my lunch, Veggie sticks are great to munch. Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli, Vegetables are good for me.


Here is a collection of the words for some songs and rhymes that coordinate with the popular early childhood theme "Dinosaurs", and can be used when planning activities and curriculum for young children. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, stomped around. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, shook the ground. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, some gave fear. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, we wish you were here I'd like to be a dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur. And if I was a dinosaur, I would be a _________. (Each child has a turn naming which dinosaur he would like to be) Oh, do you know the stegosaurus? The stegosaurus, the stegosaurus? Oh, do you know the stegosaurus? He had plates upon his back. More verses: Apatosaurus...he has a very long neck. Tyrannosaurus rex...he was very fierce. Triceratops.... he has three big horns. The dinosaurs go marching one by one, hurrah, hooray The dinosaurs go marching one by one, hurrah, hooray The dinosaurs go marching one by one, the little one stopped to stand in the sun, And they all go marching round and round and up and down. More verses: Two-to admire the view. Three-eat from a tree. Four-to give a roar Great big dinosaurs, great big dinosaurs, Lived so long ago Some liked land and some liked water, Some flew in the air. Great big dinosaurs, great big dinosaurs, Lived so long ago Some had horns and some had spikes, Some had wings like bats. Great big dinosaurs, great big dinosaurs, Lived so long ago Some ate plants and some ate meat, But now there are no more One dinosaur went out to play On a bright and sunny day He had such ENORMOUS fun That he called another dinosaur to come. (Call very loud) DI-NO-SAUR! (Then chant while patting hands on laps) Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Then repeat for 2 dinosaurs, 3 dinosaurs, etc. Instead, they heard their mother (or father, grandma, etc) And she was calling "DINNER" And they all went home for dinner! Did you ever see my dinosaur, my dinosaur, my dinosaur? Did you ever see the dinosaur I have for my pet? He hides in my bedroom, He wears my pajamas. If you've never seen my dinosaur, you'd like to I bet! Here he comes just a stomping with his feet, (Stomp.) Singing "Dino ditty, ditty dum ditty do." (Clap.) Searching all around for something good to eat, (Hand over brow.) Singing "Dino ditty, ditty dum ditty do." (Clap.) He's huge. [He's huge.] He's strong. [He's strong.] (Stretch out arms; then bend elbows and make fist) He's huge, he's strong, won't be hungry very long. (Repeat arm motions; then shake finger "no.") "Dino ditty, ditty dum ditty do." (Clap.) "Dino ditty, ditty dum ditty do." (Clap.) Oh I want to be a great big dinosaur. That is what I really want to be. For if I was a great big dinosaur Everyone would be afraid of me! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! You put your claws in You put your claws out You put your claws in scratch 'em all about You do the Dino-Pokey and you turn yourself about. That's what it's all about. he Pteranodon's wings went FLAP, FLAP, FLAP, FLAP, FLAP, FLAP, FLAP. FLAP, FLAP The Pteranodon's wings went FLAP, FLAP, FLAP There is one dinosaur, crashing through the trees. 1 dinosaur, eating all he sees. He takes a bite of the mountain top, And along comes a friend with a crash, bang, plop. Now there's 2 dinosaurs, crashing through the trees. Crash, bash, smash. Allosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Apatosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex! Stegosaurus, Trachodon, Triceratops, Pterandon. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, Oh... Allosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Apatosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex! 1 big, 2 big, 3 big dinosaurs, 4 big, 5 big, 6 big dinosaurs, 7 big, 8 big, 9 big dinosaurs, Ten big dinosaurs! They all lived a long, long time ago. They all lived a long, long time ago. They all lived a long, long time ago.

Songs To Put A Baby To Sleep Lullabies kids songs

Making music is expressive and teaches children to explore emotions.

Listening to and playing music is a great way to learn about musical styles, composers and how music is used everyday.
Music can help you bond with your child through sharing listening to music.
Listening to music helps baby develop auditory skills such as discrimination of different sounds.
Dancing and moving to music helps spatial awareness and large movement skills.
Songs with lyrics helps baby to learn language skills fast.
Playing with musical toys and instruments helps fine motor co-ordination.
Listening to music helps baby to relax and soothes them to sleep.

No crying baby at bedtime if you listen to a lullaby from Best Baby Lullabies! Playing baby music and lullabies has a very powerful soothing and calming effect on babies and adults too. Relaxing lullabies, lullaby songs and music instrumentals  are very effective at bedtime. Nursery rhymes as lullabies sung to babies at sleep time helps put a baby to sleep too.

There is now so much evidence to tell us about the amazing, magical effects of music, songs and lullabies for babies to sleep easily and with no fuss or tears. We compose music in a wide range of music styles which is written especially with babies and children in mind. This helps calm, relax and soothe even when it is not bedtime or naptime.

Things You Might Not Know About New Born Sleep

Newborn Sleep is Unpredictable
If you think the weather is the most unpredictable thing ever, you couldn’t be more wrong. During the early stages of an infant’s life, he/she is thoroughly sleep deprived and tries to make up for the loss sleep by sleeping at inappropriate hours. Usually, a newborn sleeps for only a few hours, at a stretch and then wakes up again, with a soiled nappy or hunger pangs. Research reveals that newborns sleep about 14-18 hours, on average, but this figure reduces, as the baby grows up. Therefore, you cannot simply predict when and where your newborn would go to sleep and never make the mistake of keeping your baby from sleeping, only to fix his sleeping routine. A new born needs his fair share of sleep and this is certainly not the time to work on his habits.
Sleep All Day.. Party All Night
Depending on which part of the day your baby was born, his body clock would operate accordingly, especially during the first few weeks. There is a possibility that they would sleep all day and stay up, racking your brains, all night. The best way to survive this period is to take a nap, whenever your baby sleeps. Having said that, this irregularity in sleep behavior is only temporary and as the baby matures, physically and mentally, sleeping routine would automatically get fixed.

Newborns Do Not Need Pin-Drop Silence
Newborns are usually used to a lot of commotion and noise, since they have spent a good nine months in their mother’s womb. Therefore, you do not need to be particularly careful around them, they can even sleep with the lights on, or with plenty of background noise.
On the contrary, research reveals that they tend to sleep better with a repeated sound of a machine or the fan. Therefore, you do not need to drive people out of your room or create a night time environment for your baby to sleep. What you should do is cherish the time while the “sleeping phase” lasts, after that all that awaits you is endless hours of sleepless nights.
Newborns Have Their Personalities
Newborns have varied set of sleep personalities, some try their best to ward off drowsiness, while others happily embrace it.
“There are definitely individual differences in how babies sleep, just as there are light sleepers and heavy sleepers among adults,” says pediatrician Cohen
If you have more than one child, you would probably be able to relate to this and can compare the extent to which sleep personalities differ, amongst various children.

السبت، 25 نوفمبر 2017

ما الذي نعرفه عن هجوم "المسجد" في بئر العبد؟

ما الذي نعرفه عن هجوم "المسجد" في بئر العبد؟

1- المسجد الذي تم مهجمته هو مسجد الروضة في قرية الروضة بين العريش وبئر العبد على الطريق الدولي (نحو 40 كم غرب العريش) وينظم فيه الصوفيون باستمرار جلسات وحلقات ذكر (حضرة).
*** التاريخ المصري الحديث لا يتضمن اعتداء استهدف مصلين في مساجد اي كانت معتقاداتهم خصوصا منذ بداية موجة الهجمات الجهادية في مصر اثر عزل محمد مرسي في يوليو 2013.
مصادر امنية تحدثت ان الهجوم بدا بتفجير خارج المسجد تبعه اطلاق النار داخله
شهود عيان اكدوا ذلك
2- حصيلة الضحايا وصلت 305 رسميا ونحو 110 جريح. مصادر خاصة تحدثت عن مقتل عدد كبير من الجرحى وان رقم الضحايا قارب ال300 ضحية. بين الجرحى اطفال اعمارهم بين 6-12 سنة (معلومة موكدة من مصدر طبي)
*** حصيلة الضحايا مرتفعة ايضا بسبب تجمع عدد كبير من اهالي القرية في الصلاة استعدادا لعقد قران سيعقد في دار مناسبات مجاور للمسجد بحسب شهود عيان
***النيابة قالت إن الهجوم نفذه ما بين 25 و30 مسلحا ملتحين شعورهم طويلة ويرتدون بذات عسكرية ويرفعو راية داعش.
وتابعت أن المسلحين الذين حملوا أسلحة آلية حاصروا باب ونوافذ المسجد وأخذوا في إطلاق النيران على المصلين بعد بداية خطبة الجمعة.
*** الاعلام الرسمي المصري تحلى بقدر كبير من الشفافية والمصداقية في تحديث حصيلة القتلى بمرور الوقت
3- الهجوم هو الأعنف والأكثر دموية في مصر سواء ضد الاهداف المدنية او الامنية في التاريخ. ياتي بعد الهجوم ضد مديرية امن اسيوط في اكتوبر 1981 والذي خلف 181 قتيلا (مئة جندي و12 مدني وخمسة ضباط)
4- لم يتبن اي تنظيم مسؤوليته عن الهجوم حتى اللحظة.
لكن يظل نظيم الدولة الاسلامية هو المشتبه به الرئيسي إذ نفذ اعتداءات من قبل ضد الصوفيين في شمال سيناء.
*** في 29 نوفمبر الماضي، اعدم التنظيم شيخا مسنا صوفيا كفيفا عمره نحو 100 سنة اتهمه بالزندقة.
مصدارن منطابقان تخدثا عن تحذيرات تلقاها المسجد من اسبوع من عدم اقامة حضرات صوفية
5- تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية يحمل كراهية كبيرة للصوفيين وقد نفذ اعتداءات مماقلة ضد مساجد تعد مراكز للصوفية والشيعة في افغانستان وباكتسان اسفرت عن سقوط عشرات القتلى.
ويكن التنظيم الجهادي المتطرف الكراهية للصوفيين بشكل خاص، فهم يتهمونهم بالشرك لأنهم يلتمسون شفاعة أئمة المسلمين والبدع في صحيح الدين والزندقة
6 - شاهد عيان من بئر العبد ابلغني ان "في الركعة الاولي دخلو تلاتة اربعة المسجد وقفلوا الابواب و انطلقوا يضربوا في الناس والي بيخرج او بيساعد الي واقفين برة بيضربوه" ذلك بعد تفجير تم خارج المسجد.
*** فيه ام طفلاها قتلا في الهجوم، راحت المستشفى ناخد جثثهم وحطتهم على عربة كارو ومشيت
*** فيك رواية عن صحفي محلي من العريش راح يعطي الهجوم اكتشف ان اربعة من اسوته قتلوا
**شاهد اخر ابلغني ان المهاجمين "ضربو نار علي العربيات الي برة ف العجلات علشان محدش يسعف الناس".
7- امكانيات المستشفى في بئر العبد بسيطة للغاية بل "تكاد تكون منعدمة". الاهالي ظلوا ينقلون الضحايا للمستفى في "تكاتيك" وعربيات كارو.
الاكفان نفدت من المستشفى بعد وقت قصير من وصول الجثث.

الأربعاء، 22 نوفمبر 2017

Wild animals name and sound for kids

Learn names and sounds of wild animals for kids. A fun and educational learning video for kindergarten, preschoolers and toddlers. Children will love to hear the sounds of different wild animals along with animals names. In this video, kids can watch the pictures of wild animals, pronounce their names and listen to the sounds of animals. Children can pause and play this video to get more fun and learning from this video. In the background of this video listen to the popular nursery rhyme for kids Old MacDonald Had a Farm......
Read more at https://fawesome.tv/kids-edutainment/10195860-wild-animals-name-and-sound-for-kids-fun-educational-learning-video-with-old-macdonald-

- خواطر حول مستقبل مستقبل الإعلام والسياسة

- خواطر حول مستقبل الإعلام والسياسة : ................................................................. ما ادخلته وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي...